Property name |
Brief description |
AbsoluteFocusedRow |
The AbsoluteFocusedRow property determines an absolute index of the focused table row. |
AbsoluteRowCount |
The AbsoluteRowCount property determines the absolute number of rows in a table. |
AllowAppend |
The AllowAppend property determines whether the records adding is available. |
AllowDelete |
The AllowDelete property determines whether the records deletion is available. |
AllowEdit |
The AllowEdit property determines whether the records editing is available. |
AutoFilter |
The AutoFilter property determines whether autofilter is used in columns. |
BandCount |
The BandCount property determines the number of custom containers, contained in a table. |
Bands |
The Bands property returns the collection of table containers. |
BorderStyle |
The BorderStyle property determines the style of a component border. |
CellValue |
The CellValue property determines the value of the cell, the coordinates of which are passed as input parameters. |
ColumnCount |
The ColumnCount property determines the columns number of the DataGrid component. |
Columns |
The Columns property returns the columns collection of the DataGrid component. |
CurrentColumn |
The CurentColumn property determines the number of the column, that is in the focus. |
CustomCellStyle |
The CustomCellStyle property determines whether events for drawing cells are to be generated. |
DataSource |
The DataSource property specifies the data source, which the component is connected with. |
DrawFocus |
The DrawFocus property determines whether the focus frame is displayed for the table cell. |
EnableSort |
The EnableSort property determines the availability of data sorting by single click on the table header. |
FixedBorderColor |
The FixedBorderColor property determines color of the lines dividing the fixed areas of a table. |
FixedBorderWidth |
The FixedBorderWidth property determines the thickness of the border between the two fixed areas. |
FocusedColumn |
The FocusedColumn property returns focused table column. |
FocusedRow |
Outdated. The FocusedRow property determines the number of the row, that is in the focus. |
GridLinesColor |
The GridLinesColor property determines color of vertical and horizontal table grid lines. |
HeaderHeight |
The HeaderHeight property determines the height of the columns headers and the component containers. |
HeaderMenu |
The HeaderMenu property determines the context menu that is called in the area of container or column header. |
HideSelection |
The HideSelection property determines the visibility of the selection set when the component loses the focus. |
Images |
The Images property determines the component, images of which are to be used in table cells. |
MultipleSort |
The MultipleSort property determines whether it is possible to sort multiple columns at once. |
MultiSelect |
The MultiSelect property determines the availability of multiple selection of the DataGrid component rows. |
ReadOnly |
The ReadOnly property determines whether the user can edit the current field value. |
RootBands |
The RootBands property returns the collection of table root bands. |
RowCount |
Outdated. The RowCount property determines the rows count. |
RowHeight |
The RowHeight property determines the basic height of component rows. |
Rows |
The Rows property returns the table row collection. |
RowSizing |
The RowSizing property determines whether the user can resize row height using a mouse. |
RowSizingMode |
The RowSizingMode property determines the mode of row sizing. |
Selection |
The Selection property determines the element selection in a component. |
ShowBands |
The ShowBands property determines whether the container headers are displayed. |
ShowFocusedCell |
The ShowFocusedCell property determines whether a focused cell is displayed. |
ShowHeaders |
The ShowHeaders property determines whether the containers headers and table columns headers are displayed. |
ShowHorizontalGridLines |
The ShowHorizontalGridLines property determines whether horizontal table grid lines are displayed. |
ShowTotals |
The ShowTotals property determines whether totals of the columns are displayed. |
ShowVerticalGridLines |
The ShowVerticalGridLines property determines whether vertical table grid lines are to be displayed. |
SortType |
The SortType property determines the component sorting type. |
Styles |
The Styles property determines the collection of formatting styles used in the DataGrid component. |
TableFilter |
The TableFilter property determines the autofiltering settings of the DataGrid component. |
TotalScope |
The TotalScope property determines the data, by which the totals are calculated. |
VisualFocusedRow |
The VisualFocusedRow property returns the index of the visible focused table row. |
VisualRowCount |
The VisualRowCount property returns the number of rows actually displayed in a table. |