FindById(Id:String): INonLDVariable;
Id - identifier of searched variable.
The FindById method searches for the variable in the collection by its identifier.
Executing the example requires the Optima variable that contains a system of non-linear equations and parameters for its calculation. The system of equations must include a variable with the "x1" identifier.
Sub Main;
Optima: NonLinearDecomposition;
PeriodL, j, i: Integer;
Vars: INonLDVariables;
Vrbl: INonLDVariable;
Res: INonLoResults;
val: Double;
// Calculate system
PeriodL := 4;
Res := Optima.Evaluate(PeriodL) As INonLoResults;
// Display results
If (Res.Status = 0) Then
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.FindById("x1");
Debug.WriteLine("Variable: x1");
For i := 0 To PeriodL - 1 Do
Val := Res.VarValues(Vrbl.Id)[i];
End For;
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a system of non-linear equations is created and calculated. Data of the x1 variable is displayed in the console window.
See also: