

The INonLDVariable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the variable included into the system of non-linear equations.


  Method name Brief description
CoefficientsOrderForestall The CoefficientsOrderForestall property determines an order of coefficients for expected values.
CoefficientsOrderRetrospective The CoefficientsOrderRetrospective property determines an order of coefficients for initial values.
Constraints The Constraints property returns variable constraints.
ControlVariable The ControlVariable property determines whether this variable is a controlling one.
Forestall The Forestall property determines expected values of variable.
Id The Id property returns variable identifier.
InitApproximation The InitApproximation property determines an array of initial approximations for variable.
Name The Name property determines variable name.
Retrospective The Retrospective property determines initial values of variable.

See also:

Cp Assembly Interfaces