

LinkKey: Number;


The LinkKey property determines key of dictionary attribute binding to another MDM dictionary.


Use JSON or the setLinkKey method to set the property value, and the getLinkKey method to get the property value.


To execute this example, the page must contain the DictionaryBox component named dictionaryBox (see Example of creating the DictionaryBox component ). Get information on link of the attribute with the ID UNITS_SYSTEM, to another MDM dictionary:

// Get MDM dictionary
var source = dictionaryBox.getSource()[0];
// Get the UNITS_SYSTEM attribute linked to the Systems of Units dictionary
var linkedAttribute = source.getAttribute(null, "UNITS_SYSTEM");
// Get attribute link parameters
var link = source.getLink(linkedAttribute.getLinkKey());
console.log("Link name: %s, link key: %s", link.n, link.k);
console.log("Link display format: %s", link.displayFormat);
console.log("Name of the linked dictionary: %s", link.refDictionary.n);
console.log("Name of the linked attribute: %s", link.refAttribute.n);

After executing the example the browser console shows information on link of the attribute with the ID UNITS_SYSTEM, to another MDM dictionary:

Link name: Link, link key: 2054

Link display format: ValueOnly

Name of the linked dictionary: Systems of units

Name of the linked attribute: Key

See also:
