

createObject(dataSource, objclass, callback, isSync);


dataSource. PP.Mb.DataMiningSource. Data mining data source.

objclass. PP.Mb.MetabaseObjectClass. Type of created object.

callback. PP.Delegate. Callback function.

isSync. Boolean. Determines whether synchronous query mode is used.


The createObject method sends a query to server about creating an object containing data mining results.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the DataMiningMaster component named dmMaster (see Example of Creating the DataMiningMaster Component).

// Prepare parameters
dataSource = dmSource; // Already determined in the previous example
objclass = PP.Mb.MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_PROCEDURALREPORT; // Regular report
callback = function(sender, args) {console.log(args.Response)};
isSync = false;
// Initialize object creation
dmService.createObject(dataSource, objclass, callback, isSync);

After executing the example a query is set to server about creating an object containing data mining results, the server response is displayed in the console.

See also:
