On application development, creating of visual interface and creating of visual code, which implements required algorithm of application work is normally made by several programmers rather than by one. To organize work process, changes tracking and control and code merging, the desktop application enables the user to connect repository to version control system (VCS).
The version control system can also store settings of the objects, which use SQL queries (queries, views, procedures, DBMS commands).
Generally, communication of platform blocks using version control system looks as follows:
To control object versions, it is necessary that Foresight Analytics Platform is connected to version control system. After connecting the repository add objects to version control system. As a result, files containing information on object versions are created at server and in a local folder. Corresponding settings must be applied on computers of all developers.
Get the latest object version to work with an object added to version control system. As a result, the server and local files are synchronized. All conflicts that occur during the synchronization are resolved by the VCS. Check out an object added to version control system to edit it. When checked out, the object is locked; only its local copy is affected. Publish changes on the server after editing the object.
Additional information can be found in the following subsections:
See also: