
Assembly: Visualizators;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Visualizators;


The IVZColorLegendBase interface is used to work with the visualizer color scale.

Inheritance Hierarchy





This interface is basic for the following interfaces:

Parameters of visualizer color scale can be obtained in the IVZLegends.Item property after it is cast to the IVZColorLegendBase type.

The scale may look as follows:


  Property name Brief description
The AutoColumnsCount property determines whether the number of columns is set automatically for color legend elements.
The BetweenFormat property determines format of record for intervals with both borders.
The DoHighlight property determines whether color scale elements can be highlighted.
The GreaterFormat property determines format of record for intervals with the left border.
The HighlightBrush property determines the brush that is used to highlight visualizer legend elements.
The HoverMode property determines, on which action a legend element is highlighted.
The InactiveBrush property determines the brush for inactive element of visualizer.
The Items property determines the collection of color legend elements.
The LessFormat property determines format of record for intervals with the right border.
The NoDataPosition property determines position of the elements that correspond to non-available data in the visualizer.
The NoDataText property determines a label for the element corresponding to non-available data in the visualizer.
The NoDataVisible property determines visibility of the element corresponding to non-available data in the visualizer.
The Scale property determines a scale for visualizer color legend.

Properties inherited from the IVZLegendBase Interface

  Property name Brief description
The DefaultFormat property determines legend number format.
The Footer property determines footer for legend.
The FooterLine property determines an object used to work with footer line of visualizer legend.
The Header property determines legend header.
The HeaderLine property determines an object used to work with header line of visualizer legend.
The ID property determines legend identifier.
The IsDependent property determines dependency of legend from data.
The IsOverlap property determines whether the legend does not reduce visualizer workspace.

Properties inherited from the IVZPlacedControlBase Interface

  Property name Brief description
The Style property determines style of control.
The HorizontalAlignment property determines horizontal alignment of control.
The VerticalAlignment property determines vertical alignment of control.
The Visible property determines visibility of control.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces