Cube Facts

The Cube Facts page is used to specify the cube facts list and hierarchy. A fact dimension can be set either locally or as a source cube fact dimension.

To create a local fact dimension, select the Define List of Facts and Their Hierarchy Locally for Cube checkbox. Then add elements using the Add Element and Add Subelement buttons. Elements can be renamed and deleted using the Rename and Delete buttons in the desktop application, and using the Rename and Delete items in the drop-down menu of the Actions buttons in the web application. To delete all elements in the web application, use the Delete All button.

To reorder elements, use the Up and Down buttons in the web application or the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the desktop application.

If the Define List of Facts and Their Hierarchy Locally for Cube checkbox is deselected, fact dimension of the source cube is used as a fact dimension.

See also:

Calculated Cube