Connecting to SAP HANA

Connecting to multidimensional databases based on SAP HANA requires that front end containing the required OLE DB driver is already installed. The bitness should be the same as for the Foresight Analytics Platform. After installation, the saplogon.ini configuration file should be set up. This file path can be located in various places, for details see the SAP GUI Logon Configuration article. If the file is missing, create it.

File example:

Determine the following settings in the file:

To create connection to SAP HANA, follow the steps:

  1. In the object navigator select the Other > ADOMD Catalog item in the New Object button's drop-down menu on the Home ribbon tab or the Create > Other > ADOMD Catalog item in the object navigator's context menu.

  2. If required, change name and identifier of the created object on the Basic Properties of the wizard:

Click the Next button to go to the Parameters wizard page.

  1. Select the SAP HANA driver, in the Server field determine IP address or the SAP HANA server name. Determine database instance number in the Instance box. The instance number can be obtained from the SAP HANA database administrator. To connect, determine user authentication method, if required, select the Automatic Connection checkbox and determine user name and password. If the Automatic Connection checkbox is deselected, the user name and password will be requested on first connection to directory or its objects inside the current repository connection. If the Cubes Structure Automatic Refresh checkbox is selected, then on opening any cube its structure will be synchronized with structure of the cube on server. The checkbox is deselected by default, the synchronization is executed only on refreshing directory contents.

  1. Click the Check Connection button. If connection is successful, click the Next button to go to the Information Providers page. On this page one select catalogs or information providers, and ADOMD catalog objects are created based on their information. By default, the All element is selected, all cubes created on server are created. If required, the list of created objects can be reduced by selecting the required catalogs or separate information providers. The list of selected objects is saved, on updating the ADOMD catalog contents the information only about selected objects is updated.

  1. For the ADOMD catalog created in repository, select the Refresh context menu item. Wait for Foresight. Analytics Platform, based on metadata from server, creates all required objects - ADOMD dictionaries and ADOMD cubes:

NOTE. If due to any reason sources metadata could not be read via ADOMD during catalog refresh, for example, the sources used calculations not supported in ADOMD, such sources are not added to the catalog. A message is displayed with a list of skipped sources and errors text.

Using ADOMD Catalog Objects

Objects created in an ADOMD catalog can be used in various tools of Foresight Analytics Platform: Dashboards, Analytical Queries (OLAP), Reports.

See also:

Connection to ADOMD Multidimensional Databases