
Lrxf(Input: ITimeSeries,
     Period: IMsPeriod,
     PrioryValues: ITimeSeries,
     Weights1: ITimeSeries,
     Weights2: ITimeSeries,
     Smoothing: Double)


Input. Output variable.

Period. Period, at which the method is calculated. If the parameter value is Null, the method is calculated at the entire time period.

PrioryValues. Input series of pre values.

Weights1. First weight values.

Weights2. Second weight value.

Smoothing. Smoothing parameter.


It models variable using LRX-filter.


Formula Result Application
= Lrxf({Brazil|BCA}, SetPeriod("01.01.2005", "01.01.2015"), {Sudan|BCA[t]},{China|BCA[t]},Null,100)

Smoothing using LRX filters will be applied for the Brazil|BCA series for the period from 2005 to 2015. The input series of pre values is set by the Sudan|BCA series, first weight values by the China|BCA series, the smoothing parameter is equal to one hundred.

It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and in formulas of attribute-based models of modeling container.
= Lrxf(X1,Null,X2,Null,Null,50) The smoothing by LRX-filter is applied for the X1 factor for the entire period. The input series of pre value is set by the X2 factor, the weight values are not set, the smoothing parameter is equal to fifty. It can be used in model variable-based formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor │ SmoothingIModelling.Lrxf | TheLRX FilterMethod