

RandBetween(Bottom: Variant, Top: Variant)


Bottom. The least number returned by the RandBetween function.

Top. The greatest number returned by the RandBetween function.


It returns random real number between two specified numbers.


Formula Result Application
= RandBetween(Min({Brazil|BCA}), Max({Brazil|BCA}))

The random number from the range: minimum value of the Brazil|BCA factor - maximum value of the Brazil|BCA factor.

It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and model formulas of modeling container that is a child of the time series database.
= RandBetween(Min(X1),0)

The random number that is placed between minimum value of the X1 factor and zero.

It can be used in model formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor │ Arithmetic FunctionsIModelling.RandBetween