The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.


The results of Value-At-Risk model calculation are visualized as graphs and charts on various panels described below. All panels show a graph or a chart and the Chart Parameters button, clicking which opens the chart setup.

Using the chart context menu you can:

Financial Instruments Chart

The chart shows values of financial instruments for the entire period of the model calculation:

In the drop-down list select the financial dimensions, based on which the calculation was executed. The dimension is selected on the Specification panel. By default, the first element of the dimension is selected.

Portfolio Structure Chart

The chart shows the instruments and the amount of instruments belonging to each organization. Data is shown for the first point of the forecast.

The Absolute Values (default) and Percentage Values radio buttons change the chart view, showing absolute and percentage values respectively.

VAR Chart by Portfolio Instrument

The stock chart shows portfolio value at a given date for each organization. Portfolio value is the sum of products of the number of financial instruments at their cost. The date is selected in the Date editor. The default value is the first point of the forecast. If the forecast was calculated for one point only, the Date editor is not displayed.

See also:

Value-At-Risk Model