
Assembly: Ui;


The IWinShellExecuteInfo interface contains properties that set up properties for opening a file or application.


The IWinApplicationClass.ShellExecute method is used to open the file (application).


  Property name Brief description
ShowCommand The ShowCommand property determines state of the opened file or application's window.
Silent The Silent property determines whether the dialog boxes of errors that occur when opening a file or application are displayed.
Verb The Verb property determines a command that should be used on opening an application or a document.

Properties inherited from IShellExecuteInfo

  Property name Brief description


The Directory property determines the initial directory, from which a file or application is opened.


The File property determines name of the file or application to be opened.


The Parameters property determines command line parameters, with which a file or application opens.


The WaitTimeout property determines the amount of time that the program will wait for the started application to complete its work.


The WaitToTerminate property determines whether to wait for completion of the started application.

See also:

Ui Assembly Interfaces