

Context(TopicID: Integer; [HelpFile: String = ""]);


TopicID - help page identifier. To use identifiers, an identifier map should be generated on the help design stage.

HelpFile - optional parameter determining name of the help file where page with the TopicID identifier is to be searched. If the parameter is not set, the search is executed in the file specified in the FileName property.

NOTE. If the path to help file is not specified, the file is searched in the folder, from which the current platform instance is started.


The Context method searches for the page, with which the TopicID numeric identifier is associated in the help file. If the search is successful, it opens help file positioned on the page.


To ensure operation of this method, an identifier map must be generated for the help file at the design stage.

Detailed information on identifier map can be found in a specific software guide.


Executing the example requires a form, a button on it and the C:\Help\Project.chm help file. The example is a handler of the OnClick event for the Button1 component.

Add a link to the UI system assembly.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    Help: IWinApplicationHelp;
    Help := WinApplication.Help;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

On executing the example, after the button is clicked, the corresponding help system section by identifier value set for the specified component will be searched.

See also:
