



The DisableProcessWindowsGhosting method disables checking platform windows status by the Windows window manager.


Windows window manager controls and checks status of all windows in the operating system. If a window does not respond within a certain period of time, the Windows window manager marks it as not responding and the corresponding application as a zombie process. Rerendering window contents is disabled for not responding windows. On switching to a not responding window, the Windows window manager enables the user to resize it, minimize or close the window and the corresponding application.

If a custom application is busy with long-term execution of a custom method or function, the ProcessMessages or ProcessMouseMessages methods can be used to refresh window contents.

Using the DisableProcessWindowsGhosting method is relevant if execution of a system method or function takes much time. After the DisableProcessWindowsGhosting method is called, the function of checking platform windows status using the Windows window manager is disabled. Windows contents is to be refreshed dynamically, but functions on windows resizing are unavailable. It also cannot be possible to minimize, maximize or close windows using appropriate buttons in the header.

NOTE. After checking platform windows status using the Windows window manager is disabled, it cannot be undone. The function is enabled only after the platform is restarted.

See also:
