

The IUiSecManagerParams interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine displaying parameters of the security manager.

It is used by the plugin: Adm: OpenNavigator.


  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property determines an active tab on opening the security manager.
Audit The Audit property determines parameters of the Audit tab.
Classes The Classes property determines parameters of the Object Classes tab.
Groups The Groups property determines parameters of the Groups tab.
LogViewer The LogViewer property determines parameters of the Access Protocol tab.
Mandatory The Mandatory property determines parameters of the Mandatory Access tab.
Metabase The Metabase property determines repository connection parameters.
Navigator The Navigator property determines parameters of the Navigator tab.
PolicyEditor The PolicyEditor property determines parameters of the Policies Editor tab.
PolicySaveEnabled The PolicySaveEnabled property determines whether security policy can be saved.
Privilege The Privilege property determines parameters of the Privileges tab.
RepositoryMenuEnabled The RepositoryMenuEnabled property determines whether the Repository menu items are available.
Root The Root property determines parameters of the navigator's root folder.
SecurityWatch The SecurityWatch property determines parameters of the Security Violation Monitoring tab.
Service The Service property determines parameters of the Service tab.
ServiceMenuEnabled The ServiceMenuEnabled property determines whether the Service menu items are available.
Users The Users property determines parameters of the Users tab.


  Method name Brief description
EnablePolicySave The EnablePolicySave method determines whether security policy can be saved.

See also:

Ui Assembly Interfaces