CSDVersion: String;
The CSDVersion property returns name of the last update installed in the operating system.
Executing the example requires a form, the Button1 button on it and the Memo component named Memo1.
Add links to the Forms, Collections, and Ui system assemblies.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
App: IWinApplication;
OperSysVer: IOperatingSystemVersion;
Lines: IStringList;
App := WinApplication.Instance;
OperSysVer := App.GetOperatingSystemVersion;
Lines := Memo1.Lines;
Lines.Add("Major OS version: " + OperSysVer.MajorVersion.ToString);
Lines.Add("Minor OS version: " + OperSysVer.MinorVersion.ToString);
Lines.Add("Update name: " + OperSysVer.CSDVersion);
Lines.Add("Full OS name: " + OperSysVer.FullName);
Lines.Add("OS name: " + OperSysVer.Name);
Lines.Add("OS platform identifier: " + OperSysVer.PlatformId.ToString);
End Sub Button1OnClick;
Clicking the button adds operating system information to the Memo1 component.
See also: