

The ShowWindowCommand enumeration contains states of the opened file or application window.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Hide. Application window is hidden itself and from the taskbar. The application is accessible using task manager.
1 ShowNormal. Application window is activated and restored to its original size.
2 ShowMinimized. Application window is activated and minimized to the taskbar.
3 ShowMaximized. Application window is activated and maximized to the entire screen.
3 Maximize. Application window is maximized to the entire screen.
4 ShowNoActivate. Application window is shown in the previously opened size and position. The current application remains active.
5 Show. Application window is activated in its current size and position.
6 Minimize. Application window is minimized to the taskbar.
7 ShowMinNoActive. Application window is activated and minimized to the taskbar. Active window is not changed.
8 ShowNA. Application window is shown but the active window does not change.
9 Restore. Application window is activated. If the window was minimized or enlarged, it is restored to its original size and position.
10 ShowDefault. State of the application window displaying is determined by the application.

See also:

Ui Assembly Enumerations