Excluding Series from Chart

On working with a chart in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) and Dashboard tools, there are several ways to exclude series from chart plot area: deselecting in the dimension and saving selection in the dimension.

Exclude Series from Chart with Deselecting in Dimension

The following can be excluded from the chart:

NOTE. In the Dashboards tool, commands to exclude series are located in the Chart group in the data series's context menu.

Chart will be rebuilt. For the elements corresponding to excluded series, checkboxes will be deselected in the dimension.

Exclude Series from Chart with Saving Selection in Dimension

To exclude series from the chart, click the series marker in the chart legend. The selected series will not be displayed in the chart plot area:

Example of Excluding Series from Chart

On the left chart all series are displayed, on the right chart the Eastern Federal Region series was excluded:

See also:

Working with Chart Data