
IntelliSense is a special technology that is used to analyze code by displaying certain code elements available for use. IntelliSense is used to simplify application development by autocompleting printed code, which helps to reduce the time spent, avoid typos in the code.

The IntelliSense technology is supported on editing the code of Fore/Python modules and forms.

List of Members and Member Types

A list of code elements available for use in the current position of the code is displayed as a drop-down alphabet list. To open the list, press CTRL+SPACE. Select any element in the list to see detailed information on this element. Depending on the type of the selected element, the details can include the following information:

When a list contains a lot of elements, scrollbar is also available. After the required element is selected, it can be inserted into the code in one of the following ways:

The list of members can be closed at any moment by pressing the ESC key.

Information on Parameters

For each type member a tooltip is available that contains member syntax and the list of its mandatory and optional parameters. This tooltip is displayed automatically after typing an opening round bracket after the type member name. The parameter, which value is currently edited, is highlighted in bold. After typing closing round bracket the tooltip is hidden. To open the tooltip manually, press CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE.

See also:

Fill with Code