Creating a Form and Components Layout

Form is a main tool to create a visual interface of application. A form is a container for any components available on a component toolbox. Each form has also a corresponding unit, which contains the form class description. This class is used to write a code for handling component and form events.

NOTE. Working with forms is available only in the desktop application.

Create a form

For details on form properties see the Form section of the forms designer components. To toggle between the form and the macro window, select the Show Form/Hide Form main menu item, or press F11.

To place component on form, click it on the components panel, then click on the form where it should be added. If the mouse button is held down on inserting the component to form, the component can be resized. For a precise component location, use keyboard and the CTRL+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT, SHIFT+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT shortcuts or select the required values of the Left, Top, Height, Width properties in the object inspector. Main component properties and event handlers are set in the object inspector. Events occur when the user executes specific operations, and they can also be generated from application code. One can set up tab order for the components that can get focused..

If any components must be on the form only at a certain point, then on changing the Visible property value, it can be hidden or shown. Dynamic creation and purging of components from application code while the form is working. Dynamic creation enables saving resources of operating system and speeds up the form processing.

See also:

Developing User Application | Development Environment Components