Starting Task Scheduler with Specified Parameters

Task scheduler of Foresight Analytics Platform can be started manually from the command line with specified parameters.

The task scheduler with specified parameters is created after creating a configuration file and differs depending on the operation system in use.

In Linux OS start the task scheduler from the command line by executing the command:

DISPLAY=:987 ./Scheduler [-<Parameters>]

Features of starting task scheduler in Linux OS

In Windows OS start the task scheduler from the command line by executing the command:

Scheduler.exe [-<Parameters>]

IMPORTANT. If task schedulers are to be started on different computers or virtual machines, use only one task scheduler instance to work with each repository. If several task schedulers are to be started on one computer or virtual machine, it is required to use different configuration files for started task scheduler instances configured for different task containers.

Starting Parameter

Task scheduler startup parameters differ depending on the selected operating system:

The following parameters are used in Linux OS:

The task scheduler's configuration file is named Scheduler.xml by default. If it is necessary to start the task scheduler with another configuration file, execute the following command:

DISPLAY=:987 ./Scheduler –Instance <name>

where "name" is a configuration file name specified without the extension "xml". For example:

DISPLAY=:987 ./Scheduler -Instance Test

After this command is executed, a task scheduler instance starts that is set up to use the Test.xml configuration file.

To get help information using available parameters, specify the h parameter:

DISPLAY=:987 ./Scheduler -h

After this command is executed, the help information about available parameters will be displayed.

The following parameters are used in Windows OS:

The task scheduler's configuration file is named Scheduler.xml by default. If it is necessary to start the task scheduler with another configuration file, run the following command:

Scheduler.exe –Instance <name>

where "name" is a configuration file name specified without the extension "xml". For example:

Scheduler.exe -Instance Test

After this command is executed, a task scheduler instance starts that is set up to use the Test.xml configuration file

To start the task scheduler without notifying about an error of an already started task scheduler, use the Silent parameter. For example:

Scheduler.exe -Instance Test -Silent

After this command is executed the scheduler starts using the settings stored in the Test.xml file. If the task scheduler using these settings is already started, a new instance of task scheduler is not started, and error message is not displayed.

To start the instance of the task scheduler within the current server operating system, if the process has been already started within some other parallel session, use the MultipleInstances parameter. For example:

Scheduler.exe -Instance Test –MultipleInstances

After this command is executed, a task scheduler instance starts that is set up to use the Test.xml configuration file. If this command is executed again, another task scheduler instance can be started.

These parameters can be used together.

See also:

Starting Tasks for Execution | Creating a Configuration File