

DisplayNumericColumnNames: Boolean;


The DisplayNumericColumnNames property determines whether the names of table columns are displayed as numbers.


By default the property is set to False.

If the property is set to False, the names of the table columns are displayed as letters. When formulas are visually formatted, addressing style of A1 cells will be used.

If the property is set to True, names of the table columns are displayed as numbers. When formulas are visually formatted, addressing style of R1C1 cells will be used.


Executing the example requires a form with the Button component named Button1 on it, the UiTabSheet component named UiTabSheet1. UiTabSheet1 should be selected as a data source for the TabSheetBox component. The link to the Tab system assembly should be added.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    View: ITabView;
    Tabsheet: ITabsheet;
    View := UiTabSheet1.TabSheet.View;
    View.DisplayNumericColumnNames := True;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example names of the table columns are displayed as numbers. Addresses of the cells used in formulas are displayed in R1C1 style.

See also:
