

ConvertPtToView(PtInPix: IGxPoint): IGxPointF;


PtInPix. Display point.


The ConvertPtToView method converts a point in screen coordinates into a point relative to the left upper corner of the spreadsheet visible area.


The visible area of a spreadsheet is the entire table except for the scroll bars:


Executing the example requires a form with the TabSheetBox component on it with the TabSheetBox1 identifier and the UiTabSheet component with the UiTabSheet1 name which is a data source for TabSheetBox. Below is given a procedure used to handle the OnMouseMove event (hovering over the component) for TabSheetBox1.

Sub TabSheetBox1OnMouseMove(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


TabSheet: ITabSheet;

TabView: ITabView;

Point: IGxPoint;

PointF: IGxPointF;


TabSheet := UiTabSheet1.TabSheet;

TabView := TabSheet.View;

Point := New GxPoint.Create(Args.pPoint.X, Args.pPoint.Y);

PointF := TabView.ConvertPtToView(Point);

If PointF.X = 0 Then

WinApplication.InformationBox("You have crossed the left border of the spreadsheet");

End If;

If PointF.Y = 0 Then

WinApplication.InformationBox("You have crossed the upper border of the spreadsheet");

End If;

End Sub TabSheetBox1OnMouseMove;

The example is executed when the user moves cursor over a spreadsheet (TabSheetBox1). If the cursor crosses its left or right border, the appropriate information message is displayed.

See also:
