

StyleForDraw([RealBorders: Boolean = False]): ITabCellStyle;


RealBorders. Indicates whether borders belonging only to the current cell are taken into account.


The StyleForDraw property returns the cell style that takes into account overlapping of other ranges' styles.


The property is available for the ITabRange range consisting of only one cell. The property returns Null for other ranges.

The property returns the style obtained by splicing different ranges' styles, to which a cell may belong. The styles created for the whole table are also taken into account.

If the RealBorders parameter is set to True, on getting cell border style the borders of adjacent cells are taken into account that are common with the current cell. By default the RealBorders parameter is set to False, in this case only the border parameters that are set in the current cell's style are taken into account.

See also:
