Hidden: TriState;
The Hidden property determines the visibility of rows or columns.
The property is relevant for ranges that consist of rows or of columns.
If the property is set to the TriState.OnOption value, the range becomes hidden. Do one of the following to restore range displaying:
Set the Hidden property to TriState.OffOption.
Set non-zero values for width or height of the range's rows or columns.
The property returns the TriState.Undefined value if the current range contains not only rows or only columns, or already includes hidden rows or columns.
TSheet: ITabSheet;
TRange: ITabRange;
TSheet := //Get table parameters;
TRange := TSheet.View.Selection.Range;
If TRange.IsColumn Or TRange.IsRow Then
TRange.Hidden := TriState.OnOption;
End If;
After executing this example the property returns currently selected range. If the obtained range consists of only rows or columns it becomes hidden.
See also: