

AdjustHeightEx([MaxHeight: Double = -1;][MinHeight: Double = -1][Flag: TabRangeAdjustHeightFlags = 0]);


MaxHeight. Maximum row height that can be set when the row is autofit. Default value is -1. The maximum height is limited with the maximum height of content of the range cells. The value is indicated in millimeters.

MinHeight. Minimum height of the row, which can be set on autofit. Default value is -1. The minimum height is limited with the minimum height of content of the range cells. The value is indicated in millimeters.

Flag. The checkbox that determines behavior on the set custom size. The default value is 0, in this case row height is auto adjusted regardless the set custom filter. If the value is 1, the AdjustHeightEx methos adjusts row height, if the custom row size was set.


The AdjustHeightEx method automatically adjusts height of range rows to fit cells' contents if the custom size is not set.


If the Flag = "0" parameter is set, the method works identically as the AdjustHeight method.

If the Flag = "1" parameter is set, the method does not adjust the height, if the custom row size was set.

See also:
