

Action: String;


The Action property determines the action to be executed when a hyperlink is activated.

Action Property value example
Open file "C:\Image.jpg"
The specified file will be opened.
Open link ""
The specified address will be opened.
Open report sheet "=Sheet2"
Moving to the specified report sheet will be executed.
Show cell range "=a0:b3;d0:f3"
Positioning on the specified range will be executed.
Show object in the centre of the screen "#Sheet2!PrxChart1"
Positioning on a chart on the second report sheet will be executed.
Open repository object "@Dim"
An object with the Dim identifier will be opened.
Open repository object with sending parameters "@Dim(STRING=a;INT=1;FLOAT=0.01;DATE=09.02.2021 00:00:00)"
An object with the Dim identifier and specified parameters will be opened.
Object parameters are sent in round brackets as follows: <parameter identifier>=<parameter value >, and are separated with a semicolon. A parameter value may take single and multiple values. A multiple value is specified in square brackets as an array: "@Dim(STRING=[q,e];INT=[1,2];FLOAT=[0.01,0.02];DATE=[09.02.2021 00:00:00,10.02.2021 00:00:00])"
Run procedure/function Depending on the file where the macro is implemented the path to the macro in this property is specified in the different ways:
  • A macro is implemented in the repository unit/form: <unit/form identifier>.<macro name>.

  • A macro is implemented in one of the repository assembly objects: <assembly identifier>.<macro name>.

JS-function and Fore function can be specified in macro together. JS-function will be executed only on viewing the web application, and Fore function will be executed on viewing the Foresight Analytics Platform desktop application:

  • Fore: <OBJ3331.MyFunc>. The desktop application will execute the MyFunc function contained in the unit with the OBJ3331 identifier.

  • Javascript: <alert("JavaScript function")>. The web application will execute the JS-function outputting the JavaScript Function message.

JS-function signature:

function <Function name>(custom parameters, args)



The example of function:

function testHyperlink(type, args)






When a hyperlink is used, data entry forms may return parameters as arguments may be returned:

  • Report. Parameter for managing a report;

  • DataEntryForm. Parameter for managing a data entry form.

  • DataArea. Parameter for managing a table area.

The example of function used in a data entry form:

function addAttachmentsTB(row, col, args)


           var rep = args.Report

           var da = args.DataArea

           var grid = da.getGridView();

           var tabSheet = grid.getTabSheet();

           var tabSheetRange = tabSheet.getCell(row, col);

           attachFile(da, tabSheetRange);


In the units and forms of the repository user macros should be implemented in the Global Scope of names.


This example is supposed to have the Report object of the IPrxReport type.

Add links to the Report, Tab system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    Rep: IPrxReport;
    Tab: ITabSheet;
    Range: ITabRange;
    Hyperlink: ITabHyperlink;
    Tab := Rep.ActiveSheet.Table;
    Range := Tab.Cell(
    Hyperlink := Range.Style.Hyperlink;
    Hyperlink.Action := 
    Hyperlink.Enable := TriState.OnOption;
    Hyperlink.SeparateLinkText := TriState.OnOption;
    Hyperlink.Text := 
"Go to Sheet2";
End Sub UserProc;

As a result, the A0 cell of the regular report a hyperlink with the text "Go to Sheet2" will be created, clicking on which will result in going to "Sheet2".

See also:
