CaseSensitive: Boolean;
The CaseSensitive property determines whether the sorting is to be case sensitive.
Exxecuting the example requires a form with the Button1 button located on it, the TabSheetBox component named TabSheetBox1 and the UiReport component which is set to report and which is used as a data source for the TabSheetBox component.
It is required to connect the Report, Tab system assemblies.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Tab: ITabSheet;
Report: IPrxReport;
Sheet: IPrxSheet;
CustomSort: ITabCustomSort;
SortItem: ITabCustomSortItem;
// Get table instance
Report := UiReport1.Report;
Sheet := Report.ActiveSheet;
Tab := (Sheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
// Set table sorting settings
CustomSort := Tab.CustomSort;
CustomSort.Range := Tab.Table;
CustomSort.CaseSensitive := True;
SortItem := CustomSort.Item(0);
SortItem.Direction := TabCustomSortDirection.Ascending;
SortItem.Type := TabCustomSortType.Text;
// Apply sorting
// Determine whether sorting by columns was used
End Sub Button1OnClick;
Click the button to apply ascending sorting to A column. Sorting is case sensitive.
Sorting is not case-sensitive:
Sorting is case-sensitive:
See also: