

AddCondition(Row: Integer; Text: String; CaseSensitive: Boolean; WholeWordsOnly: Boolean);


Row is the number of the row based on which the search condition is set.

Text - the text, which should be searched in cells.

CaseSensitive - the parameter defining whether character case should be taken into account during search.

WholeWordsOnly is the parameter which determines, whether the whole word should be searched.


The AddCondition method adds a search condition.


Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button located on it, the TabSheetBox component, and the UiTabSheet component named UiTabSheet1. UiTabSheet1 is the data source for the TabSheetBox component.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


TSheet: ITabSheet;

ColumnSearch: ITabColumnSearch;

Result: ITabSearchResult;

i: Integer;


TSheet := UiTabSheet1.TabSheet;

ColumnSearch := TSheet.CreateColumnSearch;

ColumnSearch.AddCondition(0, "1", False, True);

ColumnSearch.AddCondition(1, "10", False, True);

Result := ColumnSearch.Execute;

If Result <> Null Then

i := Result.CurrentColumn;

End If;

End Sub Button1OnClick;

Click this button to find a column that contains the value 1 in the first row and the value 10 in the second row. If the search is successful the i variable contains the number of the obtained column.

See also:
