

The TabTableStyle class contains properties and methods for working with table style.

Properties inherited from ITabTableStyle

  Property name Brief description
ColumnFirstStripe The ColumnFirstStripe property determines the parameters of formatting the first stripe of columns in a table.
ColumnSecondStripe The ColumnSecondStripe property determines the parameters of formatting the second stripe of columns in a table.
Corner The Corner property sets parameters of formatting style of the table corner.
Default_ The Default_ property determines parameters of style of the whole table.
FooterColumnStripe The FooterColumnStripe property determines the parameters of style to format the last stripe of rows in the table.
FooterRowStripe The FooterRowStripe property determines the parameters of formatting style for the last stripe of columns in the table.
HeaderColumn The HeaderColumnStripe property determines the parameters of formatting style for table column headers.
HeaderRowStripe The HeaderRowStripe property determines the parameters of formatting style for table rows headers.
IsEmpty The IsEmpty property determines whether table formatting style is set.
Name The Name property determines the name of a style.
Range The Range property determines the cell range, for which a formatting style is created.
RowFirstStripe The RowFirstStripe property determines the parameters of formatting style for the first stripe of rows in the table.
RowSecondStripe The RowSecondStripe property determines formatting style parameters for the second stripe of rows in the table.

Methods inherited from ITabTableStyle

  Method name Brief description
AssignPredefined The Assign method sets the parameters of table formatting style according to the specified style parameters.

See also:

Tab Assembly Classes