

The TabObjectExporter class implements an object that is used to export table objects.

Properties inherited from ITabObjectExporter

  Property name Brief description
Height The Height property determines the height, the exported image of the object will have.
Object The Object property determines the table object, which should be exported.
Width The Width property determines the width, which the exported image of the object will have.

Properties inherited from IExporter

  Property name Brief description

The CSSClassName property sets prefix for elements of HTML styles table.

The Encoding property specifies a code page for a conversion table, based on which data will be exported.

The ExportFromWeb property determines what action is executed in the web application: an export or opening in the preview mode.

Methods inherited from ITabObjectExporter

  Method name Brief description
GetBitmap The GetBitmap method returns graphic image of the object.

Methods Inherited from IExporter

  Method name Brief description

The ExportToFile method exports data to a file the specified format.

See also:

Tab Assembly Classes