

The TabCellStyle class is used to work with table cell style.

Properties inherited from ITabCellStyle

  Property name Brief description
AccessRights The AccessRights property sets access permissions for the data used for this style.
ActivationEditorMode The ActivationEditorMode property determines cell editor activation type.
BackgroundBrush The BackgroundBrush determines the brush that is used to fill cell background.
BackgroundPicture The BackgroundPicture property determines the index of background image of the table cell.
BackgroundPictureWrapMode The BackgroundPictureWrapMode property determines the method of background image overlay.
Binding The Binding property determines parameters of the editor that is used to edit cell values.
BorderColor The BorderColor property determines the line color of the specified table cell border.
BorderStyle The BorderStyle property determines the line type of the specified table cell border.
BorderWeight The BorderWeight property determines line thickness of the specified table cell border.
Cursor The Cursor property determines the cursor appearance over the table cell.
CustomFormat The CustomFormat property determines the data display format in the table cell.
DisplayEmptyAs The DisplayEmptyAs property determines text contents set for the cells with missing values.
DisplayZeroAs The DisplayZeroAs property determines text contents set for the cells with zero values.
EnablePictureEvents The EnablePictureEvents property determines whether events on the cell image can be handled.
EnablePictures The EnablePictures property determines whether images are displayed in the table cell.
FitHorizontal The FitHorizontal property determines whether an image is fitted into the table cell width.
FitVertical The FitVertical property determines whether an image is fitted into the table cell height.
Font The Font property determines the font of the table cell text.
FormatType The FormatType property determines the number format in the table cell.
FormulaHidden The FormulaHidden property determines whether formula is visible in the cell.
Hint The Hint property determines tooltip text in a cell.
HorizontalAlignment The HorizontalAlignment property determines horizontal alignment for text in the table cell.
HoverPicture The HoverPicture property determines index of the image from the image collection, which must be displayed in the table cell on mouse cursor hovering over it.
Hyperlink The Hyperlink property determines cell hyperlink parameters implemented by the ITabHyperlink interface.
LocalCustomFormat The LocalCustomFormat property determines format of data display in the table cell, considering the current regional settings.
Locked The Locked property determines whether the cell is protected from editing.
Margins The Margins property determines text margins in the table cell in millimeters.
NormalDetachedPicture The NormalDetachedPicture property loads the selected image to a table cell.
NormalPicture The NormalPicture property determines the index of the image from the image collection, which must be displayed in the table cell.
PictureAboveSelection The PictureAboveSelection property stretches image in the cell.
PictureCursor The PictureCursor property determines the cursor type, when it hovers over the table cell image.
PictureHorizontalAlignment The PictureHorizontalAlignment property determines the horizontal position of an image in the table cell.
PictureTooltip The PictureTooltip property determines the text of the tooltip for an image in the table cell.
PictureVerticalAlignment The PictureVerticalAlignment property determines the vertical position of an image in the table cell.
Printable The Printable property determines whether the table cell can be printed.
PushedPicture The PushedPicture property determines the index of an image from the image collection, which must be displayed in the table cell, on clicking it with mouse.
Text The Text property determines a table cell text.
TextOverPictureHorizontal The TextOverPictureHorizontal property determines whether the text is displayed over image when the cell text is arranged horizontally.
TextOverPictureVertical The TextOverPictureVertical property determines whether text must be displayed over an image when the text is oriented vertically.
Unselectable The Unselectable property determines whether the cell can be selected.
UserDecimalSeparator The UserDecimalSeparator property sets custom separator.
UserThousandSeparator The UserThousandSeparator property sets custom thousands separator.
VerticalAlignment The VerticalAlignment property determines the vertical alignment for the text in the table cell.
WrapText The WrapText property determines whether text in table cells must be wrapped.

Methods Inherited from ITabCellStyle

  Method name Brief description
AdjustFormatPrecision The AdjustFormatPrecision method changes precision of custom format.
ApplyStyle The ApplyStyle method sets parameters of the current style in accordance with parameters of the specified style.
Assign The Assign method assigns parameters from the other style to the current style.
Equal The Equal method compares styles.
LoadFromXml The LoadFromXml method loads cell style from the row in the XML format.
SaveToXml The SaveToXml method saves table cell style to the row in the XML format.

See also:

Tab Assembly Classes