ImpulseAROrder: Integer;
The ImpulseAROrder property determines the autoregression order for an impulse function.
If both ImpulseAROrder and ImpulsePeriod properties are defined, values of the ISlEquation.AutoRegressionOrder parameter is ignored, the model is calculated with the autoregression order 1, 2, 3, … ImpulseAROrder, and a matrix of values for the impulse response function ISlEquation.ImpulseMatrix is also calculated.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
ar1, ar2, ar3: Array[0..15] Of Double;
i,j,status: Integer;
d: Double;
var1: ISmVectorAutoRegress;
Eqs: ISlEquations;
Eq: ISlEquation;
VARStat: IVARStatistics;
//Endogenous1, Endogenous2, Endogenous3
ar1[0] := 3; ar2[0] := 5; ar3[0] := 7;
ar1[1] := 8; ar2[1] := 3; ar3[1] := 2;
ar1[2] := 12; ar2[2] := 9; ar3[2] := 11;
ar1[3] := 10; ar2[3] := 13; ar3[3] := 14;
ar1[4] := 26; ar2[4] := 25; ar3[4] := 18;
ar1[5] := 21; ar2[5] := 21; ar3[5] := 22;
ar1[6] := 35; ar2[6] := 30; ar3[6] := 32;
ar1[7] := 29; ar2[7] := 33; ar3[7] := 28;
ar1[8] := 40; ar2[8] := 43; ar3[8] := 39;
ar1[9] := 39; ar2[9] := 37; ar3[9] := 44;
ar1[10] := 51; ar2[10] := 49; ar3[10] := 50;
ar1[11] := 50; ar2[11] := 47; ar3[11] := 54;
ar1[12] := 59; ar2[12] := 60; ar3[12] := 58;
ar1[13] := 58; ar2[13] := 59; ar3[13] := 57;
ar1[14] := 65; ar2[14] := 69; ar3[14] := 71;
ar1[15] := 72; ar2[15] := 68; ar3[15] := 72;
var1 := New SmVectorAutoRegress.Create;
Eqs := var1.Equations;
Eq := Eqs.Add;
Eq.Serie.Value := ar1;
Eq := Eqs.Add;
Eq.Serie.Value := ar2;
Eq := Eqs.Add;
Eq.Serie.Value := ar3;
var1.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
var1.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 16;
var1.ImpulseAROrder := 1;
var1.ImpulsePeriod := 10;
status := var1.Execute;
Debug.Writeline("Status = " + status.tostring);
Debug.Writeline("Errors = " + var1.Errors);
Debug.WriteLine(" == IMPULSE MATRIX 1 == ");
For i := 0 To var1.ImpulsePeriod-1 Do //by observations (rows)
Debug.Write(i.ToString+ ": ");
For j := 0 To var1.Equations.Count-1 Do //by variables (columns)
d := var1.Equations.Item(0).ImpulseMatrix[i,j];
Debug.Write(d.ToString + ", ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine(" ");
End For;
VARStat := var1.VARStatistics;
Debug.Writeline("====VAR statistics==== ");
Debug.WriteLine("AIC = " + VARStat.AIC.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("LLV = " + VARStat.LLV.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("RC = " + VARStat.RC.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("SC = " + VARStat.SC.ToString);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays the impulse matrix for the first equation and VAR statistics:
Unit execution started
Status = 0
Errors = No errors
0: 5.82107343478578, 0, 0,
1: 4.72548383099913, 1.23833213187933, 2.68208535855136,
2: 5.90752703120581, 1.07790881080037, 1.65492903378997,
3: 6.158981230265, 1.27989162179673, 2.35186755113905,
4: 6.8688532037235, 1.36052756519905, 2.35021593799561,
5: 7.46593760748684, 1.50587867733303, 2.66523136511949,
6: 8.19391197439218, 1.64143661888061, 2.87900291695787,
7: 8.95997824258687, 1.79954700936484, 3.16717935765933,
8: 9.81122855440278, 1.96859037512526, 3.46021103215874,
9: 10.7377391829624, 2.15528690847276, 3.79022385646187,
====VAR statistics====
AIC = 17.4814387532504
LLV = -122.110790649378
RC = 2363.28423125514
SC = 17.9062688739118
Unit execution finished
See also: