

Procentiles: Array;


The Procentiles property returns percentiles.


Sub Main;


SQ: SmQPortions;

can,y: Array Of Double;

res, i: Integer;

m: Double;


can := New Double[16];

can[00] := 6209;

can[01] := 6385;

can[02] := 6752;

can[03] := 6837;

can[04] := 6495;

can[05] := 6907;

can[06] := 7349;

can[07] := 7213;

can[08] := 7061;

can[09] := 7180;

can[10] := 7132;

can[11] := 7137;

can[12] := 7473;

can[13] := 7722;

can[14] := 8088;

can[15] := 8516;

SQ := New SmQPortions.Create;

SQ.Samples := can;

res := SQ.Execute;

If res <> 0 Then



Debug.WriteLine("== Procentiles ==");

y := SQ.Procentiles;

For i := 0 To y.Length - 1 Do

m := y[i];

Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + " " + m.ToString);

End For;

End If;

End Sub Main;

Executing this example shows percentiles in the console window:

Module execution started

== Percentiles ==

0 6209

1 6235.3999999999996

2 6261.8000000000002

3 6288.1999999999998

4 6314.6000000000004

5 6341

6 6367.3999999999996

7 6390.5

8 6407

9 6423.5

10 6440

11 6456.5

12 6473

13 6489.5

14 6520.6999999999998

15 6559.25

16 6597.8000000000002

17 6636.3500000000004

18 6674.8999999999996

19 6713.4499999999998

20 6752

21 6764.75

22 6777.5

23 6790.25

24 6803

25 6815.75

26 6828.5

27 6840.5

28 6851

29 6861.5

30 6872

31 6882.5

32 6893

33 6903.5

34 6922.3999999999996

35 6945.5

36 6968.6000000000004

37 6991.6999999999998

38 7014.8000000000002

39 7037.8999999999996

40 7061

41 7071.6499999999996

42 7082.3000000000002

43 7092.9499999999998

44 7103.6000000000004

45 7114.25

46 7124.8999999999996

47 7132.25

48 7133

49 7133.75

50 7134.5

51 7135.25

52 7136

53 7136.75

54 7141.3000000000002

55 7147.75

56 7154.1999999999998

57 7160.6499999999996

58 7167.1000000000004

59 7173.5500000000002

60 7180

61 7184.9499999999998

62 7189.8999999999996

63 7194.8500000000004

64 7199.8000000000002

65 7204.75

66 7209.6999999999998

67 7219.8000000000002

68 7240.1999999999998

69 7260.6000000000004

70 7281

71 7301.3999999999996

72 7321.8000000000002

73 7342.1999999999998

74 7361.3999999999996

75 7380

76 7398.6000000000004

77 7417.1999999999998

78 7435.8000000000002

79 7454.3999999999996

80 7473

81 7510.3500000000004

82 7547.6999999999998

83 7585.0500000000002

84 7622.3999999999996

85 7659.75

86 7697.0999999999995

87 7740.3000000000002

88 7795.1999999999998

89 7850.1000000000004

90 7905

91 7959.8999999999996

92 8014.8000000000002

93 8069.6999999999998

94 8130.8000000000002

95 8195

96 8259.1999999999989

97 8323.3999999999996

98 8387.6000000000004

99 8451.7999999999993

100 8516

Module execution finished

See also:
