Weights: Array;
The Weights property sets weight coefficients for observations.
The number of coefficients must match the number of observations. Weights are optional method parameter.
Sub Main;
pc: SmPrincipalComponentAnalysis;
Obj: ISlSeries;
d0, d1, d2: Double;
i, res: Integer;
ar1,ar2,ar3, wt: Array Of Double;
pc := New SmPrincipalComponentAnalysis.Create;
pc.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.AnyValue;
ar1 := New Double[10];
ar2 := New Double[10];
ar3 := New Double[10];
// values ar1, ar2, ar3
ar1[0] := 7.0000; ar2[0] := 4.0000; ar3[0] := 3.0000;
ar1[1] := 4.0000; ar2[1] := 1.0000; ar3[1] := 8.0000;
ar1[2] := 6.0000; ar2[2] := 3.0000; ar3[2] := 5.0000;
ar1[3] := 8.0000; ar2[3] := 6.0000; ar3[3] := 1.0000;
ar1[4] := 8.0000; ar2[4] := 5.0000; ar3[4] := 7.0000;
ar1[5] := 7.0000; ar2[5] := 2.0000; ar3[5] := 9.0000;
ar1[6] := 5.0000; ar2[6] := 3.0000; ar3[6] := 3.0000;
ar1[7] := 9.0000; ar2[7] := 5.0000; ar3[7] := 8.0000;
ar1[8] := 7.0000; ar2[8] := 4.0000; ar3[8] := 5.0000;
ar1[9] := 8.0000; ar2[9] := 2.0000; ar3[9] := 2.0000;
Obj := pc.Objects;
Obj.Add.Value := ar1;
Obj.Add.Value := ar2;
Obj.Add.Value := ar3;
wt := New Double[10]; // weighting coefficients
For i := 0 To 9 Do
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
wt[i] := 1;
wt[i] := 0.95;
End If;
End For;
pc.Weights := wt;
pc.Analysis.Type := AnalysisType.Correlation;
pc.ScoreType := PCAScoreType.Stand;
res := pc.Execute;
If res <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("Eigenvectors: ");
For i := 1 To 3 Do
d0 := pc.P[0, i - 1];
d1 := pc.P[1, i - 1];
d2 := pc.P[2, i - 1];
Debug.AssertMsg(False, "Principal component №" + i.ToString + ": " + d0.ToString + " " + d1.ToString + " " + d2.ToString);
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Principal component values: ");
Debug.AssertMsg(False, "Principal component №1, №2, №3");
For i := 1 To pc.v.GetUpperBound(1) + 1 Do
d0 := pc.V[i - 1, 0];
d1 := pc.V[i - 1, 1];
d2 := pc.V[i - 1, 2];
Debug.AssertMsg(False, "Observation №" + i.ToString + ": " + d0.ToString + " " + d1.ToString + " " + d2.ToString);
End For;
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the console window displays eigenvectors and values of principal components:
Module execution started
Principal component №1: 0.64450881386247971 0.68855451999505823 -0.33241699993826251
Principal component №2: 0.37911437498903555 0.089765871545993331 0.92098554765113538
Principal component №3: -0.66398846340147588 0.71960736606844389 0.20318602109836198
Principal component values:
Principal component №1, №2, №3
Observation 1: 0.13006536097340241 -0.22190655148864824 0.016285709534939768
Observation 2: -0.66440396531647949 0.032786175253055133 0.1963424906612698
Observation 3: -0.15063497693809266 -0.098209325481139184 0.092926036870298018
Observation 4: 0.50930046185861055 -0.31735151244028315 0.21569341883726184
Observation 5: 0.22853629504385942 0.34767954536328649 0.20822666136800155
Observation 6: -0.26871438533312098 0.42043848101885262 -0.27138565171490181
Observation 7: -0.19808349593322169 -0.41669298564898205 0.27216357430806148
Observation 8: 0.29859926451976554 0.53667407692911584 -0.015375005296917404
Observation 9: 0.069322226359723085 0.0091878894644997974 0.10581280259107982
Observation 10: 0.043955588750368729 -0.28273554078686675 -0.83875576728053658
Module execution finished
See also: