

Boundary: ISlBoundaryRegion;


The Boundary property determines definition area parameters.


Sub Main;


i, N, Res: Integer;

d, OptVal: Double;

CF, Lb, Ub, LinC1, LinC2, Sol: Array Of Double;

LP: SmLinearProgramming;

Bound: ISlBoundaryRegion;

LCon1, LCon2: ISlLinearConstraint;


N := 4;

CF := New Double[N];

Lb := New Double[N];

Ub := New Double[N];

LinC1 := New Double[N];

LinC2 := New Double[N];

CF[0] := 5; Lb[0] := 0; Ub[0] := 5; LinC1[0] := 2; LinC2[0] := 3;

CF[1] := -7; Lb[1] := 0; Ub[1] := 10; LinC1[1] := 4; LinC2[1] := 3;

CF[2] := 2; Lb[2] := 0; Ub[2] := 5; LinC1[2] := 1; LinC2[2] := 0;

CF[3] := -2; Lb[3] := 0; Ub[3] := 5; LinC1[3] := 0; LinC2[3] := 2;

LP := New SmLinearProgramming.Create;

LP.InitialApproximation.AutoCreate := True;

//Criterion function

LP.CriterionFunction := CF;

Bound := LP.Boundary;

Bound.BoundaryLower := Lb;//Lower region bound

Bound.BoundaryUpper := Ub;//Upper region bound

LCon1 := LP.LinearConstraints.Add; // first linear constraint

LCon1.Value := LinC1;// Linear constraint coefficients

LCon1.BoundaryLower := -100;// lower linear constraint

LCon1.BoundaryUpper := 100;//upper linear constraint

LCon2 := LP.LinearConstraints.Add; // second linear constraint

LCon2.Value := LinC2;

LCon2.BoundaryLower := -100;

LCon2.BoundaryUpper := 90;

Res := LP.Execute;

If Res <> 0 Then



Debug.WriteLine("== Criterion function value ==");

OptVal := LP.OptimalFunctionValue;


Debug.WriteLine("== Solution ==");

Sol := LP.Solution;

For i := 0 To N-1 Do

d := Sol[i];

Debug.AssertMsg(False,i.ToString+" = "+d.ToString);

End For;

End If;

End Sub Main;

After executing the example the console window displays the found solution and criterion function value corresponding to this solution:

Module execution started

== Criterion function value ==


== Solution ==

0 = 0

1 = 10

2 = 0

3 = 5

Module execution finished

See also:
