P: Double;
The P property returns probability related to the obtained value of D.
Sub main;
can : Array[16] Of Double;
fra : Array[18] Of Double;
met : SmKolmogorovSmirnovTest;
status : Integer;
can[00] := 6209 ;
can[01] := 6385 ;
can[02] := 6752 ;
can[03] := 6837 ;
can[04] := 6495 ;
can[05] := 6907 ;
can[06] := 7349 ;
can[07] := 7213 ;
can[08] := 7061 ;
can[09] := 7180 ;
can[10] := 7132 ;
can[11] := 7137 ;
can[12] := 7473 ;
can[13] := 7722 ;
can[14] := 8088 ;
can[15] := 8516 ;
met := New SmKolmogorovSmirnovTest.Create;
met.Sample1.Value := can;
met.Distribution := KStestDistributionType.Poisson;
met.Hypothesis := KStestHypothesisType.NotEqual;
met.SuppliedParameters := True;
met.Parameter1 := 3;
status := met.Execute;
If status = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("Deviation (D): "+ met.D.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Standardized statistic (Z): "+ met.Z.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Probability (P): " + met.P.ToString);
End If;
End Sub main;
Check the hypothesis that the sample has Poisson distribution. Alternative hypothesis H1 assumes that the data cannot be a random sample of Poisson distribution. After executing the example the console window displays test results:
Module execution started
Deviation (D): 0.9375
Standardized statistic (Z): 3.75
Probability (P): 1.0842021724855044E-019
Module execution finished
This sample does not have Poisson distribution.
See also: