ExplanatoriesCategorical: ISlSeriesInt;
The ExplanatoriesCategorical property returns explanatory categorical series.
To set up explained series, use the ISmGradientBoostedTree.Dependent property, to set up explanatory quantitative series, use the ISmGradientBoostedTree.ExplanatoriesContinuous property and to set up explanatory ordinal series, use the ISmGradientBoostedTree.ExplanatoriesOrdered property.
Categorical series is a data set, which elements cannot be ordered and the distance between them cannot be found. For example, what usually people eat for breakfast from the sampling: sandwich, oatmeal, eggs, etc. It is impossible to order or to find distance between array elements.
The property use is given in the example for ISmGradientBoostedTree.ClassificationSummary.
See also: