DFGLSStat: IUnitRootTestStatistic;
The DFGLSStat property returns value of the statistics of Dickey-Fuller generalized test.
To get summary statistics, use the ISmDickeyFullerGLSTest.SummaryStatistics property.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
DFGLS: SmDickeyFullerGLSTest;
DFGLSASS: IAutomaticLagSelectionSettings;
SumStat: ISummaryStatistics;
can {, ws} : Array[43] Of Double;
i, res: Integer;
DFGLS := New SmDickeyFullerGLSTest.Create;
// Set values of variables
can[0] := 6209; can[1] := 6385; can[2] := 6752; can[3] := Double.Nan; can[4] := 6495;
can[5] := Double.Nan; can[6] := 7349; can[7] := 7213; can[8] := 7061; can[9] := 7180;
can[10] := 7132; can[11] := 7137; can[12] := 7473; can[13] := 7722; can[14] := 8088;
can[15] := 8516; can[16] := 8941; can[17] := 9064; can[18] := 9380; can[19] := 9746;
can[20] := 9907; can[21] := 10333; can[22] := 10863; can[23] := 11693; can[24] := 12242;
can[25] := 12227; can[26] := 12910; can[27] := 13049; can[28] := 13384; can[29] := 14036;
can[30] := 14242; can[31] := 14704; can[32] := 13802; can[33] := 14197; can[34] := 15010;
can[35] := 15589; can[36] := 15932; can[37] := 16631; can[38] := 17394; can[39] := 17758;
can[40] := 17308; can[41] := 16444; can[42] := 16413;
// Sample period
DFGLS.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
DFGLS.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 43;
// Select tested series
DFGLS.Serie.Value := can;
// Method of missing data treatment
DFGLS.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinTrend;
// Model type
DFGLS.Equation := EquationType.Constant;
// Lag autoselection is applied
DFGLS.UseAutomaticAROrderSelection := True;
// Lag autoselection parameters
DFGLSASS := DFGLS.AutomaticAROrderSelectionSettings;
DFGLSASS.InformationCriterion := InformationCriterionType.Akaike;
DFGLSASS.MaxLagLength := 9;
// Type of tested series
DFGLS.TestedSeries := ADFTestedSeriesType.Level;
res := DFGLS.Execute;
For i := 0 To DFGLS.WarningsCount - 1 Do
End For;
SumStat := DFGLS.SummaryStatistics;
If (res = 0) Then
Debug.WriteLine("===Dickey-Fuller generalized test statistic===");
Debug.WriteLine("Statistics value: " + DFGLS.DFGLSStat.Statistics.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Probability value: " + DFGLS.DFGLSStat.Probability.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Critical values: ");
For i := 0 To DFGLS.DFGLSStat.CriticalValues.Length - 1 Do
Debug.Write(i.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("===Auxiliary regression===");
Debug.WriteLine("Auxiliary regression coefficients");
For i := 0 To DFGLS.ModelCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
Debug.Write(i.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Descriptive characteristics of auxiliary regression");
Debug.WriteLine("Determination coefficient: " + SumStat.R2.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Adjusted determination coefficient: " + SumStat.AdjR2.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Akaike information criterion: " + SumStat.AIC.ToString);
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window shows calculation results for the Dickey-Fuller generalized test.
See also: