NormDailyWeights: Array;
The NormDailyWeights property returns normalized weights for weekdays.
The sum of normalized weights for weekdays is 7, if values of ISmCensus2.DailyWeights include at least one non-zero value.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Census2: SmCensus2;
res, i: Integer;
s: Array[36] Of Double;
W: Array[7] Of Double;
Census2 := New SmCensus2.Create;
// Set explained series values
s[0] := 670.2000183; s[12] := Double.Nan; s[24] := 826.6160466;
s[1] := 576.0680563; s[13] := 642.418544; s[25] := 762.3903317;
s[2] := 717.6484268; s[14] := Double.Nan; s[26] := 931.5707266;
s[3] := 856.9105808; s[15] := Double.Nan; s[27] := 1026.666524;
s[4] := 885.4609516; s[16] := 884.504279; s[28] := 1114.124119;
s[5] := 1011.846431; s[17] := 1008.30908; s[29] := 1099.626392;
s[6] := 995.4496292; s[18] := 1108.36628; s[30] := 1189.16892;
s[7] := 1064.742231; s[19] := 1072.77175; s[31] := 1092.343791;
s[8] := 1033.324656; s[20] := 1019.18752; s[32] := 1087.503861;
s[9] := 780.8584552; s[21] := 895.560672; s[33] := 971.6522721;
s[10] := 657.503313; s[22] := 811.036101; s[34] := 826.2502823;
s[11] := 654.547579; s[23] := 756.617764; s[35] := 789.6322825;
Census2.Serie.Value := s;
Census2.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
Census2.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 36;
Census2.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinTrend;
Census2.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.Multiplicative;
Census2.SeasonalComponentCycleType := SeasonalityCycleType.Month;
W[0] := 0.50; W[4] := 1.00;
W[1] := 1.00; W[5] := 1.00;
W[2] := 1.00; W[6] := 1.00;
W[3] := 1.00;
Census2.DailyWeights := W;
Census2.TraidingDaysAdjustment := TraidingDaysAdj.Auto;
Census2.StartPeriod.Year := 1;
Census2.StartPeriod.MonthOrQuarter := 1;
Census2.Holday := Census2HolidayAdjType.C2hatEaster;
Census2.SSAnalysis := False;
res := Census2.Execute;
If res<>0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("=== Normalized weights of week days ===");
For i:=0 To 6 Do
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays normalized weights of weekdays.
See also: