

DeltasMinimum: Double;


The DeltasMinimum property sets minimum value of the accuracy parameter delta.


delta is the error value that will be used to change synapse weight. If the delta value for all the weights is less than DeltasMinimum, the learning process is finished.


To execute the example, add links to the MathFin, Stat system assemblies.

Sub UserBackP;
    NN: SmBackPropagation;
    y, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10: Array[15] Of Double;
    x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20: Array[15] Of Double;
    x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30: Array[15] Of Double;
    Ex: ISlSeries;
    res, i, j: Integer;
    masI, PerformanceMatrix: Array Of Double;
    CatList, CategoriesList, KfoldIntervals: Array Of Integer;
    s: String;
    CrossValidation: ICrossValidation;
    CrossValPerf: ICrossValidationPerformanceScores;
    NN := New SmBackPropagation.Create;
    // Generate source data. 15 objects with 30 attributes
    For i := 0 To 14 Do
        x1[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x16[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x2[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x17[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x3[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x18[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x4[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x19[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x5[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x20[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x6[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x21[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x7[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x22[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x8[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x23[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x9[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x24[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x10[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x25[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x11[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x26[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x12[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x27[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x13[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x28[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x14[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x29[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
        x15[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5); x30[i] := Math.RandBetween(-5, 5);
    End For;
    // Explained series values
    y[0] := 1; y[5] := 6; y[10] := -1;
    y[1] := 2; y[6] := 4; y[11] := -1;
    y[2] := 5; y[7] := 8; y[12] := -1;
    y[3] := 4; y[8] := 8; y[13] := -1;
    y[4] := 5; y[9] := 7; y[14] := -1;
    // Set explained series
    NN.Dependent.Value := y;
    // Set explanatory series
    Ex := NN.Explanatories;
    Ex.Add.Value := x1; Ex.Add.Value := x11; Ex.Add.Value := x21;
    Ex.Add.Value := x2; Ex.Add.Value := x12; Ex.Add.Value := x22;
    Ex.Add.Value := x3; Ex.Add.Value := x13; Ex.Add.Value := x23;
    Ex.Add.Value := x4; Ex.Add.Value := x14; Ex.Add.Value := x24;
    Ex.Add.Value := x5; Ex.Add.Value := x15; Ex.Add.Value := x25;
    Ex.Add.Value := x6; Ex.Add.Value := x16; Ex.Add.Value := x26;
    Ex.Add.Value := x7; Ex.Add.Value := x17; Ex.Add.Value := x27;
    Ex.Add.Value := x8; Ex.Add.Value := x18; Ex.Add.Value := x28;
    Ex.Add.Value := x9; Ex.Add.Value := x19; Ex.Add.Value := x29;
    Ex.Add.Value := x10; Ex.Add.Value := x20; Ex.Add.Value := x30;
    // Number of neurons in internal layer
    NN.Neurons := 22;
    // Number of iterations
    NN.Epoch := 400;
    // Minimum value delta
    NN.DeltasMinimum := 0.001;
    // Set cross-validation parameters
    CrossValidation := NN.CrossValidation;
    CrossValidation.SamplingType := CrossValidationSamplingType.Kfold;
    CrossValidation.NumberOfFolds := 8;
    // Perform calculation and display results
    res := NN.Execute;
    If res = 0 Then
        Debug.WriteLine(" == Pattern substitution == ");
        Debug.WriteLine("Before After ");
        masI := NN.FilledDependent.Value;
        For i := 0 To y.Length - 1 Do
            If y[i] <> -1 Then
                s := y[i].ToString;
                s := "-";
            End If;
            s := s + "    " + masI[i].ToString;
        End For;

        // Display list of categories
        CatList := NN.CategoriesList;
        If CatList.Length > 0 Then
            Debug.WriteLine(" == List of categories == "); Debug.Indent;
            For i := 0 To CatList.Length - 1 Do
            End For;
        End If;
        // Display summary classification results
        Debug.WriteLine(" === Summary classification results ===");
        s := "";
        For i := 0 To NN.ClassificationSummary.GetUpperBound(1) Do
            For j := 0 To NN.ClassificationSummary.GetUpperBound(2) Do
                s := s + NN.ClassificationSummary[i, j].ToString + " ";
            End For;
            s := "";
        End For;
        // Display cross-validation results
        CrossValPerf := NN.PerformanceScores;
        Debug.WriteLine(" === Cross-validation results === ");
        Debug.WriteLine("Analyzed attribute: " + CrossValPerf.ClassificatorName);
        Debug.Write("Number of factors affecting the analyzed attribute: ");
        Debug.WriteLine("Number of observations: " + CrossValPerf.ObservationsNumber.ToString);
        Debug.WriteLine("Number of repetitions: " + CrossValidation.NumberOfRandomTests.ToString);
        Debug.WriteLine("Classification accuracy: " + CrossValPerf.ClassificationAccuracy.ToString);
        CategoriesList := CrossValPerf.CategoriesList;
        For i := 0 To CategoriesList.Length - 1 Do
        End For;
        Debug.WriteLine("Fold intervals:");
        KfoldIntervals := CrossValPerf.KfoldIntervals;
        For i := 0 To KfoldIntervals.Length - 1 Do
        End For;
        Debug.WriteLine("Correct classification:");
        PerformanceMatrix := CrossValPerf.PerformanceMatrix;
        For i := 0 To PerformanceMatrix.GetUpperBound(1) - 1 Do
            For j := 0 To PerformanceMatrix.GetUpperBound(2) - 1 Do
                Debug.Write(PerformanceMatrix[i, j].ToString + #9);
            End For;
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub UserBackP;

After executing the example the specified data is clustered by means of back-propagation network, the console window displays clustering results, list of categories and summary results of classification, and cross-validation results.

See also:
