

MinimumConfidence: Double;


The MinimumConfidence property determines minimum confidence level.


Minimum support is determined by the ISmAssociationRules.MinimumSupport property.

Values of the minimum support and minimum confidence are selected in such a way that limits the number of discovered associations. If the support value is high, the algorithms discover associations that are well known to analytics or obvious to the degree when the analysis has no sense. On the other hand, a low support value generates a large number of associations that requires substantial computing power. Still, most interesting associations are found when the support threshold value is low. A too low support value may lead to generating statistically groundless associations.

For example consider the statement: 75% of transactions that contain bread also contain milk. 3% of the transactions contain both items. 75% - is the confidence level, 3%  - is the support value.


The property use is given in the example for ISmAssociationRules.RecommendationRule.

See also:
