Average: Double;
The Average property returns sample mean.
Sub Main;
Ftest: ISmFisherTest;
res: Integer;
mA: Array[7] Of Double;
mB: Array[9] Of Double;
SA,SB: ISlFisherTestSample;
Ftest := New SmFisherTest.Create;
mA[0] := 1; mB[0] := 1;
mA[1] := 2; mB[1] := 2;
mA[2] := 3; mB[2] := 3;
mA[3] := 4; mB[3] := 4;
mA[4] := 5; mB[4] := 10;
mA[5] := 6; mB[5] := 11;
mA[6] := 7; mB[6] := 12;
mB[7] := 13;
mB[8] := 14;
SA := Ftest.SampleA;
SB := Ftest.SampleB;
SA.Sample.Value := mA;
SB.Sample.Value := mB;
Ftest.ConfidenceLevel := 0.05;
res := Ftest.Execute;
If res <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("Mean A: " + SA.Average.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Mean B: "+ SB.Average.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Variance A: "+ SA.Variance.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Variance B:"+ SB.Variance.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Fisher statistic: " + Ftest.FisherStatistics.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Criterion of Fisher statistics significance: " + Ftest.FisherCritical.ToString);
If Ftest.FisherTestResult Then
Debug.AssertMsg(False, "Fstat > Fcrit. Accept hypothesis on variance equality.");
Debug.AssertMsg(False, "Fstat < Fcrit. Reject hypothesis on variance equality");
End If;
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the console window displays results of test calculation:
Module execution started
Mean A: 4
Mean B: 7.7777777777777777
Variance A: 4
Variance B:23.950617283950617
Fisher statistic: 0.1670103092783505
Criterion of Fisher statistics significance: 0.24114956083079916
Fstat < Fcrit. Accept hypothesis on variances' equality
Module execution finished
See also: