

ResidualsSeason: Array;


The ResidualsSeason property returns a dependency form residual series with seasonality.


Sub Main;


trend: SmCurveEstimation;

d0: Double;

status, i: Integer;

ar: Array Of Double;

Forms: IDependenceForms;

Dep: IDependenceForm;


trend := New SmCurveEstimation.Create;

ar := New Double[25];

ar[00] := 4110;

ar[01] := 4280;

ar[02] := 4459;

ar[03] := 4545;

ar[04] := 4664;

ar[05] := 4861;

ar[06] := 5195;

ar[07] := 5389;

ar[08] := 5463;

ar[09] := 5610;

ar[10] := 5948;

ar[11] := 6218;

ar[12] := 6521;

ar[13] := 6788;

ar[14] := 7222;

ar[15] := 7486;

ar[16] := 7832;

ar[17] := 8153;

ar[18] := 8468;

ar[19] := 9054;

ar[20] := 9499;

ar[21] := 9866;

ar[22] := 10217;

ar[23] := 10763;

ar[24] := 10683;

trend.Explained.Value := ar;

trend.Explanatory.IsTrend := True;

trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;

trend.ForecastLastPoint := 30;

trend.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.additive;

trend.SeasonalComponent.Cycle := 4;

status := trend.Execute;

If status <> 0 Then



Forms := trend.DependenceForms;

Dep := Forms.Item(1);

Debug.WriteLine("Dependence form " + Dep.DisplayName);

Debug.WriteLine("=== Residual series with seasonality ===");

For i := 0 To Dep.ResidualsSeason.Length -1 Do

d0 := Dep.ResidualsSeason[i];

Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ": " + d0.ToString);

End For;

End If;

End Sub Main;

After executing the example the console window displays the following results:

Module execution started

Dependence form: Quadratic

=== Residual series with seasonality ===

0: -66.660795454543774

1: -5.7038149350641163

2: 48.450875768969297

3: -6.196723342446063

4: -43.646612269309486

5: -18.898791011619693

6: 127.04674043062386

7: 117.18998205741681

8: -28.469066131236474

9: -116.93040413533745

10: -30.194031954886498

11: -27.259949589883405

12: -7.1281570403283752

13: -38.79865430621922

14: 80.728558612441873

15: 14.453481715653282

16: 14.376115003418448

17: -26.503541524264079

18: -89.18548786739558

19: 103.33027597402688

Module execution finished

See also:
