
Assembly: Stat;


The SmEngleGrangerTest class is used to work with parameters of the Engle-Granger test.


The test returns value of t-statistics and Z-statistics.

Properties inherited from ISmEngleGrangerTest

  Property name Brief description
AutomaticAROrderSelectionSettings The AutomaticAROrderSelectionSettings property returns lag autoselection parameters.
AutoRegressionOrder The AutoRegressionOrder property determines autoregression order.
CointegratingRegressors The CointegratingRegressors property returns cointegration regressors.
DeterministicRegressors The DeterministicRegressors property returns deterministic regressors.
DFAdjustment The DFAdjustment property determines whether to take into account the number of degrees of freedom.
Explained The Explained property returns the explained series.
MissingData The MissingData property returns the method of missing data treatment.
ModelCoefficients The ModelCoefficients property returns estimates of model coefficients and their characteristics.
ModelPeriod The ModelPeriod property returns sample period parameters.
SummaryStatistics The SummaryStatistics property returns descriptive characteristics of auxiliary regression.
TauStat The TauStat property returns value of t-statistics of the Engle-Granger test.
TrendSpecification The TrendSpecification property determines trend specification.
UseAutomaticAROrderSelection The UseAutomaticAROrderSelection property determines whether lag autoselection is to be used.
ZStat The ZStat property returns value of z-statistics of the Engle-Granger test.

See also:

Stat Assembly Classes