
Assembly: Speedometer;


The IPPSpeedometerScale interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up speedometer scale parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Arrows The Arrows property returns the scale arrows collection.
Background The Background property determines a brush for scale background fill.
BorderBrush The BorderBrush property determines a brush for rendering scale border.
BorderStyle The BorderStyle property determines a style of rendering scale border.
BorderWidth The BorderWidth property determines width of scale border.
CenterPosition The CenterPosition property determines coordinates of scale center.
DataSource The DataSource property determines data of indicators in various speedometer time points.
DisplayLabels The DisplayLabels property determines whether scale data labels are displayed.
DisplayMajorTicks The DisplayMajorTicks property determines whether major scale tick marks are displayed.
DisplayMinorTicks The DisplayMinorTicks property determines whether minor scale tick marks are displayed.
EnableBorder The EnableBorder property determines whether scale has a border.
EnableBrush The EnableBrush property determines whether scale background is filled.
ID The ID property determines a scale identifier.
IsAbsoluteSectorOffset The IsAbsoluteSectorOffset property determines a measurement unit of sector offset.
Labels The Labels property returns the scale data labels collection.
Length The Length property determines scale length.
MajorTick The MajorTick property determines parameters of rendering major scale tick marks.
MaxValue The MaxValue property determines maximum scale value.
MinorTick The MinorTick property determines parameters of rendering minor scale tick marks.
MinValue The MinValue property determines minimum scale value.
Name The Name property determines a scale name.
OuterRadius The OuterRadius property determines an area of scale rendering relative to its center.
PassedLabelFont The PassedLabelFont property determines font parameters of the text located in scale data labels passed by indicator.
PassedLabelFontColor The PassedLabelFontColor property determines a color of the text located in scale data labels passed by indicator.
PassedMajorTick The PassedMajorTick property determines parameters of rendering major scale tick marks passed by indicator.
PassedMinorTick The PassedMinorTick property determines parameters of rendering minor scale tick marks passed by indicator.
RotateLabels The RotateLabels property determines whether data labels are rotated to the scale center.
Sectors The Sectors property returns the scales sectors collection.
Size The Size property determines scale height.
StartAngle The StartAngle property determines a slope angle of scale start.
Step_ The Step_ property determines a step for positioning minor scale tick marks.
ToolTip The ToolTip property determines a scale tooltip text.
Trends The Trends property returns the scale trends collection.
ValuesCount The ValuesCount property returns the number of scale values.
Visible The Visible property determines whether scale is displayed.


  Method name Brief description
AddValue The AddValue method adds the specified scale value.
ClearValues The ClearValues method removes all scale values.
Recalc The Recalc method recalculates speedometer scale values.
Value The Value method returns scale value by its index.

See also:

Speedometer Assembly Interfaces