Information Blocks Without Data Source

The examples below contain XML descriptions of information blocks that do not require data source setup. Description of common structural properties background, layout, decor, and blockTitle is skipped.


<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->
<block name="Image" type="Image" key="PCW1SLGYPYGMRDQ6">
  <prop tag="name" val="Image" />
  <prop tag="background"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="layout"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="fillImage" val="1" />
  <prop tag="imageData" val="<!-- A fragment of Base64 code is missing -->lFTkSuQmCC" />
<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->


<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->
<block name="Label" type="Label" key="MU13B5ZP3W8XFEZP">
  <prop tag="name" val="Label" />
  <prop tag="background"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="layout"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="decor"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="blockTitle">
    <prop tag="show" val="0" />
    <prop tag="text" val="The company is one of the leading Russian developers of business intelligence systems intended for data management, monitoring, analysis, modeling and forecasting, aimed at higher management efficiency." />
    <prop tag="font"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
    <prop tag="align" val="Center" />
  <prop tag="expandable" val="0" />
<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->


<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->
<block name="HTML" type="Frame" key="BGJAU9WOSCLZ93JX">
  <prop tag="name" val="HTML" />
  <prop tag="background"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="layout"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="decor"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="blockTitle"><!-- Code fragment is skipped --></prop>
  <prop tag="expandable" val="0" />
  <prop tag="url" val="" />
<!-- Code fragment is skipped -->

See also:
