Setting Up Application Timeouts

The web application during its work, depending on various factors, may require to change request or response timeouts by any part of the system being developed. The application standard configuration includes the following elements: DBMS server, BI server, web server, web application back end, and client computer.

DBMS server is set up according to documentation for the DBMS in use. It is not necessary to determine settings on a client workstation.

Below is the description of work timeout for BI server, web server, web application back end.

Setting Up BI Server

To set up BI server work timeouts, use the registry or the settings.xml file. Set the request timeouts to repository and its objects in the key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\PP\BIS\System\Session] or in the corresponding section of the settings.xml file, in the TimeoutSec parameter. Time is set in seconds, by default - 1800 seconds (30 minutes). When timeout expires, repository session will be closed.

Setting Up IIS Web Server

To set up work timeouts for Internet Information Server web sever:

  1. Set the timeout parameter in the web.config web application configuration file located in the folder with installed web application, in the config subdirectory:

    <sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="30" />
  1. Set the Downtime Timeout (in minutes) parameter in web application pool additional settings, in the Internet Information Server web server interface:

Setting Up Web Application Back End

To set up work timeouts for web application back end:

  1. Set the timeout attribute in the PP.xml file in the <service> section. The attribute can be used to determine BI server request execution timeout. Attribute value is set in milliseconds, for example:

   <service url="…" timeout="60000" />
  1. Set the ping field in the config.json file in the metabase field. The field is used to determine BI server connection check time. The field value is set milliseconds, for example:

    "ping": 20000

See also:

System Settings of Foresight Analytics Platform