

GetWbkMdResult GetWbkMd(WbkId tWbk, GetWbkMdArg tArg)


tWbk. Workbook instance moniker.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetWbkMd operation gets workbook metadata.


To execute the operation, in the tWbk field specify moniker of the opened workbook instance, and in the tArg field specify getting parameters. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenWbk operation. The operation results in the requested data and metadata.


Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Getting Summary Statistics Values for Workbook Series
Saving Calculated Series as a Modeling Problem
Getting Availability of Calculation Results
Getting Various Charts for Workbook
Getting Series Values
Getting Settings for Workbook Series Tree

See also:

Working with Time Series Database